What do you think your audiences expectations of your film's genre are before they watch your film? What are they expecting to see?

From my poster and storyboard, my audience will expect a comic-book, superhero film involving SciFi and action. This is a hugely popular genre at the moment thanks to Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe and therefore will be immediately recognisable by a wide audience. The audience will also recognise the characters as they have been iconic fictional characters for over six decades and have appeared in multiple other films/TV shows (The Dark Knight Trilogy/Superman/The Flash TV series)

What do you want the emotional response of the audience. to your film be?

My aim for this movie is to deliver a number of emotional responses from the audience in order to create a fun, thrilling movie. With the main character being The Flash, it is essential for the audience to feel sympathy for him as he is transported to an alternate reality. There must be some sense of loss and sadness as he is taken away from everything he knows. However, the tone shouldn't remain bleak throughout the whole film as the audience should feel excited at the new take on the Justice League characters when The Flash meets them in the alternate reality. The film should have a roller coaster of emotions, through adventure, thrills, shock and excitement.
The main themes of the film will be fixing your mistakes and being able to work together in an unfamiliar place and unfamiliar people. These themes are always important and perhaps under-used in cinema as these are problems almost everyone must face in their lifetime, from starting a new school, getting a new job or moving to a new location. The problems The Flash faces in this movie will be an extreme example of these problems people face all over the world and will serve to help make these situations easier to those facing them.

Is your promotion pack an effective preview of the content and preferred emotional effect of your film idea? 
Yes, from my poster you can clearly see the type of movie this will be, as the destroyed city and space background emphasises the action and SciFi elements of the story. The three main characters are also shown clearly in the middle of the poster.
The storyboard also clearly shows the story of the film as well as the tone. Even though the storyboard only shows the start of the movie, the tension and excitement will carry on throughout the film and therefore is an effective preview of the film as a whole.

Did your target audience suggest any strengths, weaknesses or things that would be changed before the film version?
Some of the audience suggested that the poster should contain more of the Justice League characters, however I feel that it could cause the poster to look far too messy and would not represent the film properly since the main Justice League characters the film will be focusing on are already on the poster. To put more time on other characters could run the risk of having the film feel too packed and lose track of its main story.

Can you think any changes to make your film more effective?
In order to create a more effective and emotional experience when The Flash is transported to another reality, it may be best to include flashback scenes to his life in the real world, perhaps his relationship with his wife Iris West. It would also be more effective to explain how The Flash could accidentally transport himself to an alternate reality by running at the speed of light. While this is common knowledge to fans of the TV show and comic, not everyone is familiar with this power and could lead to a very confused audience.


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