
Showing posts from November, 2018


List Three Purposes of Commercial Radio: 1. Promote products on a popular platform in exchange for money-Ad Revenue  2. Host competitions for the audience for a fee. Helps bring the audience and radio station together as well as provide the station with money. 3. Advertise their own products. Name 2 Regulators and Specify What They Do: A.S.A/ Off-Com  Have the power to restrict, take down or otherwise interfere with advertisements featured on the radio station.  Also have the ability to 'watershed' advertisements and songs played on the station. (putting them on after 9pm) Maslow's hierarchy of needs:  1. Physiological needs: food, water, sleep, relief from pain etc. 2. Safety needs 3. Love+ Belonging 4   Esteem needs: Respect, confidence and self worth 5. Self- Actualisation: fulfil ones potential, discover your purpose i life  Reward and Punishment Techniques: e.g buy one get one free Value Messages: e.g 'love hurts'


                What is the purpose of my film magazine? From looking at my initial research it is clear that the most popular  film magazines cover a wide range of subjects, genres and movies in general. Therefore, in order to appeal to a wide range of audiences, my film magazine will include content from an array of films releasing that month as well as smaller segments corresponding to the theme of the month (e.g a list of horror films in October).  The film magazine will also include shorter articles based on T.V shows and video-games to further appeal to all audiences and to ensure the magazine is less repetitive.  My questionnaire also proved that a short, catchy title is important in attracting a consumers attention. Naming the magazine 'ACT!ON' is used to attract the reader using a short, catchy title.  I have also chosen to include interviews with celebrities with upcoming releases as well as informative reviews as a mix of entertainment and informative co