Analysis of Commercial Radio Advert

Commercial Radio relies on promoting companies and products in order to receive income revenue. Paying ad revenue to a commercial radio can be costly, depending on the location and popularity of the radio itself.  Radio advertising is charged at a rate of approximately £2 per thousand listeners at a time, for example if a radio station has 100,000 listeners at 6pm would cost £200, whereas The Late Show's 10,000 listeners at 11pm would only cost £20. Paying for a time-slot with the highest amount of listeners would be the most beneficial to your company, however the advert must be entertaining in order to attract attention and be worth the price.

An article by the journalism company 'Campaign' in 2016 voted on the best commercial radio adverts of the year. Perhaps the most effective advert was the Dove 'Self-Conscious' advert. The advert main theme is the pressure on women to look good and the repercussions of hurtful comments women receive due to their looks. The Dove advert directly addresses the listener in order to grasp their attention; "The more someone makes you think about your body, the harder it becomes to ignore. Your tongue, for example. Usually, you hardly notice it's there. But when I mention it, you can feel your tongue bumping against your lower front teeth."  This quote from 0:00 to 0:12 is directed towards the listener in order to give the advert a personal feeling, emphasising the theme of self consciousness. The advert then goes on to describe the feeling of your tongue as 'sits heavy' in your mouth.

The most efficient way of getting attention from the listeners is by connecting with your audience on an emotional and personal level. Using the listeners emotions creates a sense of empathy and helps the listeners respect and relate to the company. Companies suffer most when there is a gap between company and consumer interest ( E.g Gillette's latest television commercial). This radio advert shows that Dove care for their  consumers by addressing a common problem faced by the buyers of their product: Women suffering from self image issues and societal pressure. The themes presented in this 1 minute radio advert show that the Dove company are aware of topical issues and are actively opposing them, therefore making them respectable to the average consumer, aiding their sales, as well as their social status.

The tone of the radio advert also plays a pivotal role in the success of your commercial. While it may seem juxtaposing, the fact that Dove incorporated humour into their advert helps give the advert a lighter tone while simultaneously addressing a controversial topic. The balance between comedic tone, drawing your attention to how uncomfortable your tongue sits in your mouth, to then relating it to a common problem many women face everyday.

Overall, Dove's 'Self-Confidence' advert is a great example of commercial radio advertising due to its unique comedic and fourth wall breaking tone, while also addressing a common problems it's consumer audience face. The advert also clearly advertises the product at hand, therefore linking their product to a good cause.


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